PriceSmart designs and constructs its buildings, not only, in compliance with both local and international regulations but also with an aim to be at the forefront of sustainability. In building its facilities and clubs, PriceSmart aims to mitigate its environmental impact and to lead the way in building facilities that will be models for innovation going into the future.

PriceSmart is keenly aware of the need to be responsibly manage its energy, water, and materials usage and, where possible, to reuse materials for various purposes. The company has implemented several sustainable initiatives throughout its Clubs including:


Solar Panels
  • At the end of FY2022, 42 of our 50 existing clubs have rooftop solar arrays, and solar is considered in the design of any new clubs. In FY2022, we constructed three new clubs with rooftop solar: Portmore, Jamaica; Floridablanca, Colombia; and Aranda, Guatemala. In addition, we installed solar on seven existing clubs: San Cristobal, Guatemala; Usaquén, Colombia; Metro Park, Panamá; Florencia and El Sauce, Honduras; and Santa Elena and Metro Centro, El Salvador. In FY2023, we opened our San Miguel, El Salvador club with solar installed. At the end of FY2023, 44 out of our 52 existing clubs have rooftop solar arrays.
Year Total Solar MWh Generated
FY2019 9,953
FY2020 14,983
FY2021 18,123
FY2022 22,925

Lighting Systems

  • LED technology is used in most of our clubs. These fixtures offer energy savings, higher versatility in installation, and a reduction in maintenance and replacement costs due to their extended life span.
Hot Water Reclamation Systems
  • Heat waste from both Refrigeration and AC systems is captured to produce hot water and interior humidity control without incremental energy production or using other sources of energy.
Energy Committee
  • In FY2022, we re-established our energy committee, which is composed of more than 80 members of the PriceSmart team from all levels of the organization. The committee meets quarterly to discuss the company's energy-related programs and initiatives, ensure that they are being implemented, and track progress. The committee also provides managers and employees with guidance regarding best practices to reduce energy consumption in our clubs and across the PriceSmart organization.


Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • The majority of the countries and areas where PriceSmart operates do not have the facilities or infrastructure to manage and treat wastewater on a large scale. This dynamic requires that PriceSmart install its own wastewater treatment plants. The effluent that discharges from these plants must meet standards that ensure that said effluent does not negatively affect the environment and water supply where it is discharged.
  • PriceSmart's end goal is that no one is negatively affected by poorly designed and/or executed performance of a wastewater treatment plant owned and operated by our company.
Irrigation Systems
  • PriceSmart reuses wastewater for downstream purposes in some of its clubs. In Colombia, treated wastewater is used for landscape irrigation and restroom operations.
  • In Costa Rica, USVI, Barbados, and Aruba harvested rainwater is used for some club activities including outside power washing, cleaning of shopping carts, and other non-potable general purposes. In the US Virgin Islands, PriceSmart utilizes sand carbon filters, UV lighting, and chlorine dosing to convert the harvested rainwater into potable water.

Construction & Facilities

Recycled Steel
  • One key element in the construction of PriceSmart's facilities is the steel structure of the building Steel materials used are comprised of 70 recycled materials.
Locally Sourced Construction Materials
  • Heavy components like cement and concrete blocks are sourced locally. This allows us to reduce negative impacts on the environment due to materials transportation and at the same time allows us to help support the local economy.
CO2 Systems
  • PriceSmart has nine CO2 refrigeration systems; seven in Colombia and two in Costa Rica. CO2 refrigerant is less damaging to the ozone layer compared to other types of refrigerants.